
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to Use add-on Statements to Increase Your Email Marketing Efforts!

If you are not using every email that you send out as a Free Marketing platform, then you are missing out on thousands of people who could potentially benefit from your books or services.  To include marketing in an email, you do not have to write a few paragraphs that would be too long, and besides people don’t have that much time to read, only to glance.

I would suggest that you create a short phrase, five to ten words that completely describe what you are offering, how it can benefit them, and what it does.  Of course, you can create paragraphs if you want, but you may be wasting your time.  Now I know that this may sound difficult, but who better push your product than you, its inventor, creator, and spokes person.

Examples of simple add-on advertising:

·         Amazing book teaches anyone to make money from thin air!
(10 words)

·         Never pay rent/mortgage again, extraordinary book teaches you how!
(10 words)

Any statement should, create a buzz, make you more inserted, and make the reader want to act on what is being said.

Twitter is the perfect platform to learn how to write simple and effective add-on ads.  Because you are confined to creating a short, short statement, you are forced to include everything in one neat package.

Examples of paragraph add-on advertising:

Also known as a sales letter, advertising paragraphs allow you to go into further details, but you run the risk of losing the reader if you ramble and go off point.

·         (Give Name if Possible otherwise Hi!):

How would you learn how to get free airplane tickets to anywhere in the world.  This is not a trick or a gimmick.  My name is John Doe, and my company is offering free seminars in your area!  So if you have ever wanted walk on a Tahitian Beach, witness a Hawaii sunset, visit where the sun never sleeps, or just go on the vacation of your dreams, then attend the free seminar today!

(list event details)
The paragraph statement has the same effect as the add-on statement it just goes further to create an image in your mind.

Using add-on statements with any email is a great way to get your name out there and to be seen.  I hope that you can use some of these suggestions during your next advertising campaign, it’s free and is another way you can use to build your brand and increase your face time.