
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Missing! the New Book by Billy D Manus II - Get It Today!

Missing! tells the story of 35 persons who have vanished without a trace between 300 BC and 2018. From 300 BC to 2018, the stories of 35 people who disappeared without a trace are told in Missing. Millions of people vanish without a trace every year all across the world. Everything out of this world, weird, eerie, mysterious, and inexplicable.

Trevor Deely
Joan Lawrence
Rachel Trilica
Ambrose Bierce
Francis Lewis Clark
Glen Miller
Dorothy Forstein
Ronald Tammen
Bob Lymburn
Mary Flanagan
The Boys
Maura Murray 

Paperback and ebook, Exclusively Available on Amazon!

Click Here for English

Click Here for Espanol